Monday, June 29, 2009

How the Democratic Party nearly destroyed themselves and the planet

I can't help but agree with Paul Krugman's OP-Ed in the New York Times.

How can democrats vote against the Waxman-Markey Climate Change Bill which, no thanks to them, got passed by the skin of its teeth? Shame on those who did not support the bill. I thought that for once- since I've been voting in the mid- 1980's, that the democrats would finally dispel their image of a non-united bunch of selfish intellectuals, run by a bunch of corporate lobbyists. But nooooo. The nay voters had to prove that the democratic party is indeed what its cliche claims.

The worst part is it shows that the hypocritical caring party does not care because it is indeed hypocritical. How can those people claim they are democrats? They should join the GOP instead!

Photo by Fred R. Conrad/NY Times

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